/Call for papers

Call for papers

Dear Researchers,

Greetings from Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam (www.vnuhcm.edu.vn), a publisher of journal: Science and Technology Developemt Journal (STDJ) (Sci. Tech. Dev. J.) (1859-0128).

STDJ is a peer-reviewed open access multiple discipline science journal covering from natural science, engineering & technology, humanities, art, laws, economics, earth science, environment, social sciences and health sciences.

All accepted articles are weekly updated as Accepted Articles list in the website, and online published after 2 wks. All articles will be indexed in the Vietnam Citation Index (VCI) after 48hrs and in Google Scholar after 1-2 wks ensuring that they are always state of the art, maximum findability by internet Search Engine algorithms. They will have DOI (Digital Object Identifiers), and permanently archived in database. STDJ plans to index in the Scopus, Web of Science and other databases in the near future.

We are contacting you as you have published before in this area and we invite you to submit research/review articles, short communications, case report, letter to editors for publication in forthcoming issues of STDJ. Please read over the journal’s Author Guidelines at http://stdj.scienceandtechnology.com.vn for more information on the journal’s policies and the submission process and also Publication Ethics.

We are currently offering an introductory waiver on all article processing charges (until Dec, 2020). After this period ends, we do waive the processing fee in some cases.

All articles will be subjected to double blind peer-review system and the receipt of the manuscripts will be acknowledged through online-submission system. Review process of the submitted articles will be done within 21-30 working days after the date of submission and the accepted articles will be published in the upcoming issue. Preference will be given to the early and noteworthy submissions.

Send your resumes to become Editorial team member/Reviewers of our journals. We look forward to continue you as one of our important member/reviewer/author.

If you have any questions, please contact with us at: stdj@vnuhcm.edu.vn

It is appreciated if you could share this information with your colleagues and associates.

Thank you.
Best Regards,

Phuc Van Pham

Associate Editor-in-Chief

Journal Manager

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